Happy Winter Solstice! May you have light
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Today is the shortest day of the year and tonight is the longest night. It is an important time for those of us who live in northern lattitudes because it marks a very real and very important occasion, the switch from loss of light every day to the slow return of light, precious seconds every day. I dont get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) so much as just sensitivity to light length and quality. On this day we celebrate the Sun and light candles at night in anticipation for the new year and rememberance for the past year.
If you would like to learn more about the winter solstice and traditions around it (ancient and new) try these links:
Winter Solstice wiki entryTo mark the occasion, we made our own stonehenge cake! We printed out some layouts and photos.
Stonehenge wiki entry
Maps and layouts
Amazing Stonehenge photo gallery
Stonehenge clones and morphisims
Party at the henge
Modern Stonehenge Solstice Ritual
Modern Druids and the Stonehenge
Information on Druids and the Stonehenge
List of Solstice websites that may interest you

Then we set to work!
We gathered the various materials we would need to build our stonehenge and sat down to the hard work of nibbling on ladyfingers and sneaking bites of frosting.
We trimmed off the ends of the ladyfingers and cut a few in half lengthwize (for the capstones).
Q spread frosting on her plate as a foundation.
KD did the same. Baby O worked on his nap.
The frosting had to be put all over the plate. Here Q is using an off-set spatula.
She had to be sure to get a deep enough layer of "snow" so that the ladyfinger stones would stand upright.
Q studied the photos and layouts of the Stonehenge and then set to work constructing hers. If you look carefully, you will see that she stuck very closely to the actual layout.
Almost done.
The henge takes shape!
KD's henge is coming together beautifully. It did not last long tho. Alas, cake and frosting are too tempting for a 3 year old.
And voila, CakeHenge 2006!

9:29 AM :: 3 comments
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