Birth of a New Essay
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Q is currently getting ready to work on her new essay in her Spring Stanford EPGY writing class. As you might imagine, there is brainstorming in the beginning (painful stuff for EVERYONE in the house, let me assure you).
The current essay-in-the-works is meant to be a work on personal experiences on one of three topics:
Growing up
Learning about disappointments
about what being a friend means
She chose to write on "Growing up".
If you come back to visit, you can watch the process of this building into an essay.
Today we have her premise and a bit of fleshing out of the idea.
Thesis statement: Growing up is mental as well as physical, and you sense yourself growing up.
The mental part about growing up is about feeling older and being older. The sense of feeling older is that years pass by, and you count the years, and you feel older than ever. You feel more mature by being able to do things that younger people can't.
The physical part is about getting taller, and stronger. When you get older, bigger, stronger, you acquire the ability to lift heavy objects and reach high objects. You concentrate more on activities, and are able to more control your emotions. You feel more mature and become more mature.
You become aware of various events and objects as you grow, seeing the world more and more. Events like the new millennium, you become aware of, because you see that there are only 7 years after the 2000, which you did not notice before. You learn about presidents that were in control while you were too young to know. You learn more things as you grow up. You start to understand what happened before you were born.
Labels: brainstorm, EPGY, essay, premise, Q, writing

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