Geography - Terrestrial and Martian
Friday, February 03, 2006

Today we are extendng our knowledge about geography by working on a
lesson plan on Mapping Mars from National Geographic.
National Geographic Xpeditons is an amazing online resource for k-12 lessons and fun online activties.
The overview of today's lesson is:Overview:
This lesson introduces students to some common map projections and representations (e.g., globes or close-ups) and asks them to consider the ways that each representation can be used to show specific features of Mars. Students will draw three different representations of Mars and will illustrate each one with details of research they have conducted on the planet.
Some of the online resources for this lesson include:

A very sad day indeed
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Today, the US Senate has confirmed Samuel Alito to the US Supreme Court.Read these links to learn more about a man who is the appointed hit man on women's and other minority rights.
Samuel Alito - Wikipedia entrySamuel A. Alito, Jr. on the dKosopediaSamuel Alito's America on Think ProgressThink it cant get that bad? Read
The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood), she foretells the future the Religious Right is fighting for.
If you want to get a good vision of what Bush wants for our future (he is doing the Hard Work for this as we speak) read
1984 (George Orwell) and you tell me you dont see the course he wants to "stay".
We are moving into a time that will be historic for the losses of so many gains in a civil society.
Make no mistake, this man does not walk alone, he will not proceed with his decisions alone, he represents the desires of the Religious Right that wish to curtail the right to choose and devolve so much of what makes America great into a christian state filled with state-sponsored hate. We are already a good way there, Alito is an important milestone.
When will these people ever learn to mind their own business?
Pshaw you say? What about this great news for the Religious Right, this morning:
Sweeping anti-abortion laws proposed - Washington TimesWith the goal of challenging the Roe vs. Wade ruling that ensured a woman's right to an abortion, lawmakers in Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, South Dakota and Tennessee propose banning all abortions except when the woman's life is in danger, reported.
StateLine.orgLight a candle, think on what you and your family has to lose, and then think about how you can help the cause.
