Progressive Homeschool
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Auto-schooling - Toddler style

Saturday, April 29, 2006


I love to watch our little toddler self-school. She is constantly reading, bringing me books to read, singing her ABCs, saying her numbers, counting by 1s, 10s, even 100s up to 10 hundred! She says her numbers in spanish. She plays the piano and the drums. She does her own special aerobics. We especially like "Shake your belly like its jelly" with Grover. She covertly sketches masterpieces on the walls with her crayons.

She is constantly busy with all of this. Our homeschooling has already begun with her!

7:05 PM :: 2 comments
  • That's a wonderful picture! She is beautiful. She sounds like she would get along great with my boys! I love that post, makes me realize that we are well on our way to homeschooling also, though I seem to forget sometimes because we aren't doing any "formal" schooling.

    By Blogger Melissa, at 1:05 PM  
  • Thanks! She would LOVE to play wth your boys, no doubt. Too bad you all are so far away! Perhaps one of these days we can get them together. If you are ever thinking of coming to Old Sturbridge Village, do it! We live a few miles from there. I can try to get us some comp (free) tickets.

    Its amazing what these babies learn, are driven to learn! I just wish I had not exposed the older one to the negative experiences in "real" school.. we are STILL de-schooling. Heck, I am deschooling myself too :-) Now if I could just de-work myself, I would be set.

    By Blogger nika, at 1:28 PM  
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